As Baylor’s School of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) turns 20, it enters an exciting era of growth and innovation that promises unprecedented opportunities for scholarship, research and Christian stewardship.
Have you ever felt unnerved by the way those Target register coupons seem to know you just a little too well? Wondered whether your doctor’s electronic medical records really keep your health information safer? Pondered how, exactly, your new smart phone can be just so…smart?
Regardless of the field, most engineers have a love of understanding how things work and often ensuring that they do. It could be the delicate intricacies behind a complicated machine or the coordination of tiny electrons in a computer system.
Before arriving at Baylor, I thought that leading and managing were synonymous. However, over the course of my undergraduate career, I’ve come to understand that while the two are related, leadership is subtly different. You may not be able to command cats but you can lead them.
In the next five years, Dr. Liang Dong envisions a day when airline passengers in flight will be able to make a call from their cell phones to someone on the ground or Skype during an international flight.
Trevathan Appointed Executive Vice President and Provost